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Second Baptist Church of Germantown


Hello to my Second Baptist Church Family:

In 1st Peter 2: verses 4-5, the Apostle Peter wrote these words:

"You also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ … But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of God’s who called you out of darkness into God’s marvelous light"

I have been meditating and reflecting on these words while making preparations for this Sunday’s service. "We are chosen, a royal priesthood, God’s own special people given the honor of offering praises to God who has brought us out of darkness into God’s marvelous light."

Each Sunday when I stand at the Communion/Lord’s Table to partake of the Lord’s Supper, I feel multiple emotions, the need for confession, gratitude for salvation and redemption because of the Triune God’s love for us.

When at the table I feel joy and the desire to praise God because of the love, grace and mercy that is at the table as well as an eschatological hope that is also at the table because Jesus said that he “would not eat or drink it again until he drinks it new with us in the Kingdom of Heaven!” It is especially in times like these that I am clinging fervently to this hope.

Because of the significance of this sacred ordinance, we will be celebrating a Virtual Communion service during this Sunday’s worship. Why should our ability to meet at the Lord’s table be placed on hold until we are back together in our physical building, especially in light of the hope that is at the table? I submit that it should not.

If we believe that our Triune God is omnipresent, then it is also true that on designated Sunday’s as we celebrate Communion Sunday, Jesus appears in churches in the city, in the country and around the world at all times of the day and night, for millions and millions of people, virtually, through the elements of bread and wine/juice. Communion then is already the ultimate virtual reality.

So, I invite you “special people, a royal priesthood,” to gather your own bread/crackers and wine/juice and offer them up as the ministers consecrates the elements we hold and take them with us as we celebrate the Lord's Supper. We can be together while apart, it is also possible to be virtually present to one another in special & meaningful ways even when we’re physically distant.

During this time of social distancing, communing together virtually with our church family can affirm the reality that our bodies are engaged in worship even from our homes. Wherever we are, we’re still connected to the other bodies gathered virtually for worship. We are indeed “The Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ!” So please meet us at the Lord’s table this Sunday and…

“Let us break bread together on our knees. As we fall on our knees with our face to the rising sun, oh Lord have mercy on me.”



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Second Baptist Church of Germantown

Opening Hours:

​Sunday: 11:00am-12:30pm

(215) 849-0257

6459 Germantown Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19119

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